Innovative solutions for better life

Flexible technologies that meet each specific requirement


We offer wide range of products: electric radiators, floor heating, ice and snow melting systems, bathroom heating and ventilation.

DEVI Authorized Distributor

Датските системи за подово отопление DEVI предоставят максимален комфорт и надеждност. Гаранцията на нагревателите кабели е 20 години, а животът им е като на сградата, в която са инсталирани. DEVI доставят и системите ни против лед и сняг за олуци, водостоци и външни площи. Избрахме ги, защото в никоя друга страна сигурността и надеждността не са на почит така, както в Дания.

About us

We established Vitumbuild driven by our passion in high technologies and their role in our daily-round. Our main goal is the true comfort at home and motivated to attain the best result, we have made careful selection of products and technological solutions.   

We choose the electricity as a main power source. We have made this decision based on the fact that electricity is easily accessible and appliances have various applications and it gives us the chance to reach as many customers as possible. We are absolutely confident in the sustainability of the electrical business and renewable energy, which is the green path to our future.
